Lynn and Lucy are life-long best friends, their relationship as intense as any romance. Neither has ventured far from where they grew up. Lynn, who married her first boyfriend and whose daughter is fa...
12-year-old friends, Marshall, Gilbert and Amy accidentally revive a mummy they discover in a neighbor's basement. They affectionately name the mummy Harold, and must rush to return him to his res...
A pizza delivery girl at the end of her financial rope has to fight for her life - and her tips - when her last order of the night turns out to be high society Satanists in need of a virgin sacrifice....
杜威•费恩(Jack Black 杰克•布莱克 饰)是一名已过而立之年,却仍在为理想打拼的摇滚音乐人。他不屑于那种粗制滥造、充满向商业谄媚味道的虚伪乐曲,一心追逐真情实感的纯粹摇滚乐。为此,他和无数支乐队分道扬镳,至今事业无成,还面临被房东赶出去的窘境。 杜威的男房东兼老友内德•斯尼勃利(Mike White 麦克•怀特 饰)此前曾是狂热躁动的死亡摇滚乐手,如今摇身一变成为了居家好男人以及代课老...
曾参加过美国内战的退伍老兵埃森·爱德华兹(约翰·韦恩 John Wayne 饰)战争结束后返回家乡德克萨斯州,来到哥哥的农场希望与亲人重聚团圆。埃森一直暗恋着自己的嫂子,只把这份感情放在心底。然而一场科曼奇族的突袭,让埃森的心愿彻底粉碎。在这次印地安人的袭击中,埃森的哥嫂双双被杀,侄女黛比(娜塔利·伍德 Natalie Wood 饰)被掠,生死未卜。 为了给自己心爱的嫂子复仇,也为了找到黛比的下...
影片改编自小说《对不起,来不及陪你长大》,讲述了普利策获奖记者戴娜·坎纳迪(Dana Canedy)和军官查尔斯·门罗·金(Charles Monroe King)的真实爱情故事。查尔斯在海外服役期间为防止在战事中阵亡,给他们刚刚出生的儿子乔丹写下了一封家书,旨在告诉他在没有父亲的成长过程中如何过上体面的生活,同时也包含了深刻的人生感悟,以及一个父亲对他从未谋面儿子的忠告和祈祷。...