The movie is a free interpretation of the story of the notorious Danish “angel maker” Dagmar Overbye, who murdered dozens of infants in Copenhagen in the 1910s and was sentenced to life imprisonment i...
该剧改编自马修·奎克的同名小说,第一季结尾,FBI基层探员彼得·苏德兰(加布里埃尔·巴索 Gabriel Basso 饰)因拯救总统而立下大功。本季中,他将正式成为暗夜行动的一分子,然而,加入这个绝密组织,也意味着投身危机四伏、尔虞我诈的世界。...
Earth Abidesis a new take on George R. Stewart’s sci-fi novel of the same name.
When a plague of unprecedented virulence sweeps the globe, the human race is all but wiped out. In the aftermath, as ...
影片故事延续前作,路奇乌斯(保罗·麦斯卡 Paul Mescal 饰)童年时亲眼目击受万人景仰的英雄马克西蒙斯死于舅舅之手,多年后已长大成人的他,在暴君的铁腕统治下,被迫进入竞技场为生存而战。心中充满怒火的路奇乌斯,眼见罗马帝国的未来岌岌可危,决心讨回本属于他的权力和荣誉 ,还罗马人民一个辉煌的罗马。...