制片公司See-Saw Films携手编剧尼克·霍恩比打造系列短剧《婚姻危机》(State Of The Union,暂译),导演罗杰·米歇尔([诺丁山])。霍恩比曾凭[成长教育]、[布鲁克林]两获奥斯卡最佳改编剧本提名。该剧每集10分钟,故事聚焦一对每周要进行婚姻咨询的中年夫妇。新剧将于今秋伦敦开拍,卡司尚未确定。...
Christian Serratos会在《莎丽娜 Selena: The Series》一剧中饰演墨西哥裔已故歌手Selena Quintanilla。这部剧由Netflix开发,被指是Selena Quintanilla的官方故事,剧中讲述她为了成为歌手的成长﹑痛苦﹑改变,如何从事业﹑家人﹑音乐中取得平衡。...
“Amber Brown” is an unfiltered look at a girl finding her own voice through art and music in the wake of her parents’ divorce. The series will star Carsyn Rose (“The Rookie,” “Cousins for Life”) as Am...
迪克?爱克兰德(克里斯蒂安?贝尔 Christian Bale 饰)曾是著名的拳手,却因染上毒瘾,萎靡不振。HBO来拍他的纪录片,忠实地记录了他的生活。迪克把拳击梦寄托在弟弟米奇?沃德(马克?沃尔伯格 Mark Wahlberg 饰)身上,甘心陪练,而母亲爱丽丝(梅丽莎?里奥 Melissa Leo饰)则充当经纪人。米奇曾是金手套选手,但现在只是建筑工人,为了复出而刻苦训练。某天,米奇与莎琳(艾米...
Sue Barker presents a documentary looking at the life and career of tennis star Martina Navratilova. They first met on the tennis tour in 1974, so Sue was there throughout the landmarks of Martina'...