Inspired by HBO's acclaimed drama "True Detective," Investigation Discovery brings to life actual homicide cases through the words of the law enforcement officers who are still haunted b...
Daniel Pierce博士(Eric McCormack)是一位专攻人类行为学的神经科学家,在芝加哥某大学里任教。他不仅对人类大脑的工作方式有着独特的见解,而且有一项独门绝活——他能够从他人不自觉的表情和下意识的动作中找出规律,从而洞悉对方说的是真话还是假话、想要隐瞒什么秘密。在本剧中,他将帮助联邦政府侦破一系列疑难案件(就像《超感警探》中的Patrick Jane一样)。
该剧由《Broad City》的创作人Ilana Glazer、Paul W. Downs和Lucia Aniello打造,其中前两者兼主演。毫无疑问……这仍然是恶搞节目。在该剧中,一对表兄妹Jeff和Sharee(Paul W. Downs和Ilana Glazer)发现了一个印有中文字样「穿越烟壶」的魔法物品,只要吸上一口,他们就能任意穿越时空。他们原本在郊区过着波澜不惊的平凡生活,所住的公寓...
Nanthisa, the dashing girl of the company, she is the head of personal department and is the person whose should see other to follow the company's rules but she was the one who always break it. Sh...