Scrooge: A Christmas Carol will feature songs from legendary composer and lyricist Leslie Bricusse as it adapts the 1970 feature film that starred Albert Finney in the lead role. The CG animation is d...
Unemployed Czech-speaking writer Nicholas Whistler thinks he's got a job visiting Prague for a bit of industrial espionage. In fact he is now in the employ of British Intelligence. His pretty chauffeu...
小精灵伯纳德(马丁·弗瑞曼 Martin Freeman 配音)是一位身份卑微的粪便清理员,做事神经大条,囧态嗅事不断,而他的梦想是成为大发明家。在今年的圣诞科技大赛上,他又搞砸了实验。恰巧正是这次小小的实验意外给精灵城引来了危机。大反派班尼(蒂姆·克里 Tim Curry 配音)侵袭精灵城,所有人都面临灭顶之灾。伯纳德在重重险境中误打误撞,却惊喜不断,发现自己是唯一可以拯救这场灾难的人,在甜心女...