Still shaken by his visions of apparent nuclear devastation associated with Greg Stillson, Johnny grows increasingly obsessed with Stillson, whom he begins investigating
Nina has been killed in a vampire attack and the gang now has to take care of baby Eve, whose werewolf heritage appears to have attracted the attention of vampire overlords known as the Old Ones. Geor...
数亿美元的上市公司GTX在遭受金融危机后,高层决定实行裁员,拥有六位数薪水的老员工沃克(本·阿弗莱克 Ben Affleck 饰)竟然首当其冲,昂贵的房子和保时捷一一失去,不得不搬到父母家中住,为了养活妻子和两个孩子,沃克只好到接受一份亲戚提供的苦力活。公司得以安全度过危机,然而总裁的老朋友兼公司合伙人麦克拉里(汤米·李·琼斯 Tommy Lee Jones 饰)却发现,总裁一面声称资金问题而大肆...
London. Jarvis Dolan is a charismatic host of a radio show named "The Grim Reality", about news and actuality. Loudmouth, fun and ruthless in his speeches and comments, Jarvis is the most im...
最近出现了一起凶徒连环杀人案,最令人恶心的是,凶徒每次作案后都将被害者的喉咙割走。FBI探员威尔(爱德华?诺顿 Edward Norton 饰)负责此案的侦察,经过详细调查,威尔分析此人每次都是将被害者的喉咙割走吃掉,然而却没有找到任何凶徒的蛛丝马迹。威尔向患有精神病的犯罪心理学家汉尼拔(安东尼?霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 饰)求助,希望汉尼拔能刻画出凶徒的犯罪心理以助破案。