Nina has been killed in a vampire attack and the gang now has to take care of baby Eve, whose werewolf heritage appears to have attracted the attention of vampire overlords known as the Old Ones. Geor...
Lim BunHou or Songward(JMA饰演)仅仅因为是华人而被陆军中尉学校开除,即使他快要毕业了。尽管面临开除,但他却从未放弃掌握自己的人生。他从未想过继承家族产业茶馆,他认为那是贪得无厌的。他在YaowaratchYaowaratch时就想过离开这个地方。他决定去贩卖大米并且得要了他的哥哥colonel Punyuth or Aye 的支持。(非亲兄弟,因利益而被家族收养的哥哥)。...
Famous model become suspect in case of diamond robbery and homicide, must involve with farm owner who impressed with his part because he believe that she's innocent. Both of them find out about th...