Suffering from amnesia, a young man trying to discover his true identity is kidnapped by an underground crime organization and turned into a ruthless assassin...
Docuseries examining the influential 90's comedy showcase started by Guy Torry that helped launch the careers of some of the most famous Black comedians in the industry....
《Street Women Fighter》是Mnet首个女子舞蹈团队的真实生存节目。代表大韩民国的八组女子舞蹈团为了成为排名第一的Global K-Dancer,将展开寸步不让的战争。舞者们将展示Girls Hip-hop、Wacking、Rocking、Crumping、Breaking等多种类型的街舞。...
Amazon直接预订改编自Robert Jordan小说的诗史奇幻剧《时光之轮 The Wheel of Time》,剧集版由Rafe Judkins负责制片。《时光之轮》小说系列共有14部+一部前传(后3部因作者Robert Jordan逝世,改由Brandon Sanderson接手),剧集讲述在一个魔法世界里,只有女性能使用一种被称为两极力的力量,而她们被称为两仪师。