6 different stories. 1 Dead world. New series premieres August 14.
Six New Stories. One Dead World. Tales of The Walking Dead New Series August 14
Features an all-star cast with Terry Crew...
8 years after Rakesh Mahadkar reigned terror on Mumbai, another serial killer has taken birth. More brutal and more dangerous but one that uses the same cover, the Smiley Mask. Ek Villain Returns is t...
已完成拍摄却惨遭华纳遗弃的《说出你的秘密 Tell Me Your Secret》由Amazon接手,2021年播出。
这部女性主导的10集心理惊悚剧由Harriet Warner执笔。剧集围绕三名角色展开,每个人都有着神秘而不安的过往。Lily Rabe饰演Emma,曾直视过某个危险杀手,她刚刚坐了三年牢被释放,有一个作为保护的新身份,想忘记与杀手纠缠的过去;Hamish Linklate...