娜奥米·哈里斯将主演警探题材惊悚片[蓝与黑](Black And Blue,暂译),德翁·泰勒([假日惊魂])执导,彼得·A·道林([空中危机])操刀剧本。故事讲述一名新手警察(娜奥米饰)目睹了腐败官员谋杀一名毒贩的过程,而且她随身携带的摄像头录下了这一幕。她从这些腐败官员手里逃脱出来,陷入了被谋杀的危险境地。...
HBO每晚一个鬼故事,统统改编自同名经典畅销恐怖漫画杂志。历时七季,由各大电视台转播(TV-MA/TV-PG)。 One hour stories with many themes, including; horror, twists, black-magic, sci-fi .... Introduced by a puppet called "The Crypt Keeper&qu...
A con-man who meets and marries rich old widows through a dating service, then murders them and takes the inheritance, finally gets the date of his dreams - the very worst of them....