think the show has potential.
It has a good story line so far. It will be interesting to see the story progress as the season continues. I like the actors playing Krista and Marcus. They have n...
Get ready to return to Southfork for "Dallas" Season 3 this winter. With the tagline "Nobody does bad like the Ewings," TNT has alerted fans that Get ready to return to Southfork f...
如今,J.R.、Bobby和Sue Ellen Ewing这三个经典的银屏形象又回来了--人已老,但气度犹在。他们的回归带来了新的秘密、新的阴谋和新的背叛,并引出了一段全新的故事--一个全新的《家族风云》。这一次,他们将退居二线,真正在前台唱戏的是Ewing家族的下一代。为了得到权力、爱情和Southfork农场的控制权,年轻人和他们的父...
Steve Carell与Emma Stone将合作影片《BATTLE OF THE SEXES》,影片会由《阳光小美女》的导演 乔纳森·戴顿与维莱莉·法瑞斯执导。关于1973年女子网球选手比利·简·金与Bobby Riggs的跨性别网球大战,这场比赛以金的获胜结束,比赛有着非常重要的意义,包括让女性获得更大的自尊。...