Blake Redding is trapped in this dark room wanting to protect his love so the only thing he will do is escape like no failed student has done before....
Kate Fox(达科塔·约翰逊 Dakota Johnson 饰)一辈子都循规蹈矩--直到她在大学里怀了孕,又因为耻于毕业而休了学。在女儿Maddie(麦琪·伊丽莎白·琼斯 Maggie Elizabeth Jones 饰)出生后,Kate放弃了理想,在一家酒吧里当经理来赚钱养家,同时尽可能地挤时间来陪伴Maddie。她没有料到自己的哥哥Ben Fox(奈特·法松 Nat Faxon 饰)竟然会...
杰茜,一个迷糊又可爱的女生。为了给男友惊喜而提前回家,却意外发现了小三的存在,失恋的杰茜只得另觅住处。看到网上的招租广告,以为是和女性合租就前去应征,结果迎接她的是三个大老爷们儿。三位男士本无意让杰茜入住,杰茜无意中一句“我的朋友是模特”,使得她有了栖身之所。三男一女同住一个屋檐下的故事,就此展开。 FOX今秋强档喜剧《杰茜驾到》,由Zooey Deschanel(《500 Days Of Sum...
Following on from The Field of Blood, this new story is based on the second in the Paddy Meehan series, the Dead Hour. We follow Paddy as she tries to make a career for herself against the backdrop of...