Based on Philipp Meyer’s celebrated debut novel, American Rust is a compelling family drama and a timeless story of wanting a brighter future while being held prisoner by the past. The story of surviv...
Ragna is a fiercely courageous cop who infiltrates a nationalistic subculture following a killing in Norway. Ragna's journey pulls her into a spiral of hatred while a terrorist plot targeting the ...
曾经衷心服务于人类,堪称文明最高代表的赛昂智能机器人,其所引发的叛乱难以想象。第一次赛昂战争战后的第十年,自幼立志报效国家的热血青年威廉·阿达玛(卢克·帕斯夸尼洛 Luke Pasqualino 饰)以优异且令人叹服的成绩顺利自空军学院毕业。他踌躇满志登上雄伟壮观的卡拉狄加,然而却并未如愿驾驶性能卓越的战机,反而被派去驾驶老旧笨重的货物运输机。他的直属上司库克·法斯乔维克(本·考顿 Ben Cot...
Three months after the Frobisher settlement, Patty is concentrating on establishing a charitable foundation when an old boyfriend, named Daniel Purcell, contacts her and entangles her in a new case in...
齐什(约克·亚赫罗 Jouko Ahola 饰)是出生在一个犹太家庭中的平凡的男孩,成年后,他只身一人前往大都市谋生,进入了一家夜间剧场工作。剧场的老板豪森(蒂姆·罗斯 Tim Roth 饰)是一名投机分子,他敏感的察觉到了政局的变化,预感到纳粹份子的蠢蠢欲动,于是开始在剧场里安排上演一些赞美纳粹和描绘纳粹统治下未来图景的剧目,深得德国人的欢迎。之后,豪森更是将齐什包装成为了日耳曼的民族英雄齐格弗...