A thriller set in London, in which a politician's life becomes increasingly complex as his research assistant is found dead on the London Underground and, in a seemingly unrelated incident, a teen...
6 months after rescuing his family from Golding, Harry Clayton is a very different man. He hasn't laid a bet in 186 days and has sworn off using the power of the bracelet - until he meets a woman ...
Talitha Campbell, the arrogant daughter of a wealthy entrepreneur, is arrested following the disappearance of fellow student, Hannah Ellis, the hard-working daughter of a single mother.
From the ma...
《The Victim》由Rob Williams编剧,将透过一起刑事案件讲故事。本剧将背景设置在爱丁堡,讲述了一个辛勤工作的居家好男人Carl,在网络上被曝出其实是一个臭名昭著的儿童杀人犯,现在的身份只不过是一个伪造的新身份,他因此受到了不少攻击。随着他原本的生活因为这个事情而坍塌,Carl应该忍气吞声等着风声过去吗?还是去证明自己的清白?他到底是被污蔑误解还是真的是让人怀疑的危险杀手?另一方面...