The film tells the story of 15-year-old Robin, a virtuoso piano player, and her mother Claire, who lives for her and is her biggest fan. When Robin is the victim of a serious accident, their life will...
一部今年戛纳影帝罗什迪·泽姆自编自导自演的喜剧片。Ismael是阿拉伯人,Clara是犹太人。他们相识相恋,幸福快乐。当秋天Clara怀孕后,一切变得更加美好。但是在他们向各自家人公开的时候,却引发了两个分立不同种族的家庭的震动。 罗什迪·泽姆出生在法国的赞那维黎耶,摩洛哥移民后裔,酷爱表演和足球。1999年的《我的小公司》和2005年的《小中尉》(Le Petit lieutenant)让他两...
TV Land is keeping Hot in Cleveland around. The cable network has renewed the half-hour sitcom for a sixth season consisting of 24 episodes. The announcement was made during rehearsals for the 100th e...