Inspired by true incidents, "Runway 34" revolves around Captain Vikrant Khanna played by Ajay Devgn, a flying prodigy, whose flight takes a mysterious course after take-off from an internati...
Follows ten year-old Johnny who stands out in different aspects way beyond his age. Things change when his new teacher sees his potential, believes in him and wants to open a new world to him....
大卫·田纳特主演的ITV三集新剧《丹斯》发布首张定妆照!田纳特将饰演臭名昭著的苏格兰连环杀手丹尼斯·尼尔森。剧集卡司还包括杰森·沃特金斯(《王冠》)、丹尼尔·梅斯(《好兆头》)等。该剧根据布莱恩·马斯特斯撰写的书籍《为同伴杀戮》(Killing For Company)改编,讲述尼尔森在1978年-1983年期间曾杀害15名年轻男子。Luke Neal(第一、二集)与凯利·琼斯(第三集)操刀剧本,...
年轻有钱又置身于意大利的艳阳下,这是汤姆·瑞普利(马特·达蒙 Matt Damon 饰)所渴望的生活,却是迪基·格林利(裘德·洛 Jude Law 饰)早已拥有的东西。
瑞普利是个出身平凡,生活也毫无值得炫耀的年轻人,他受到一个富商之托,到意大利去游说他号荡不羁的儿子迪 基,重回他的家乡美国。但是当瑞普利一到那里,就深深地被迪基的生活形态所迷惑:美丽的别墅、高级浮华的度假饭店、一掷千金的奢靡...