'Ramanujan' is a historical biopic set in early 20th century British India and England, and revolves around the life and times of the mathematical prodigy, Srinivasa Ramanujan. Directed by the award-w...
The movie is comprised of six inter-related stories that tell of the frantic days leading up to the most important election ever in Malaysia. It follows the lives of everyday people, who come together...
Satyendra aka Sattu (Rajkummar Rao) and Aarti (Kriti Kharbanda) meet for a proposed arranged marriage and fall in love in the process. On the night of their marriage, an unexpected turn of events turn...
Upon moving into her husband's childhood home to help take care of his elderly relatives, Jean Copeland, an emotionally withdrawn wife and mother of two, becomes embroiled in an affair with a suicidal...