Theo Abrams is an ex-Cape Town fireman suffering from severe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Unable to return to work due to the psychological trauma sustained during a failed rescue mission, an incre...
Tom Sizemore plays Jack Durant, a dynamic and dangerous gentleman who runs the most famous steakhouse in the city. He caters to movie stars, politicians and mobsters. He knows all their secrets but do...
山姆(詹姆斯·达西 James D'Arcy 饰)是一名战功赫赫的军人,曾被派往伊拉克执行军事任务,在出勤期间,山姆身受重伤被调回国内,无法再出任务的他被安排了一份在监狱任职的工作。山姆是一个内心里正义感非常强烈的男人,因此,在监狱里,他被狱中黑暗而根深蒂固的监狱文化震撼了,在这本该是法律最严明的地方,却贿赂频出,毒品横行,蛇鼠一窝。 在被工作困扰的同时,山姆还要面对战争给自己带来的创伤应激症,...
Four friends on vacation discover that their isolated rental property is already occupied by a seemingly friendly older couple. A night of unimaginable terror ensues…...