供职于投行的初级分析员韩裔青年哈罗德(约翰•赵 John Cho 饰)性格谨慎羞涩,本该放松的周末晚上却被同事塞了一堆工作。这边厢,哈罗德的好友卡玛(卡尔•潘 Kal Penn 饰)又主动搞砸了一次医院面试,这个出身医生世家的印裔青年因为不愿放弃毫无拘束的学生生活一直逃 避从医。当晚,哈罗德与卡玛在吸了一通大麻后倍感饥肠辘辘,电视中来自“白色城堡”的汉堡广告引发了二人极大的兴趣,他们驱车前往,谁知...
A lovable dog named Bandit starts stealing cash to help his adopted family, he unwittingly sets them on a collision course with his dangerous ex-partner....
Toby appears to be an ordinary dog living the simple put life, but unbeknownst to his family, he moonlights as secret government operative, Agent Toby Barks....
本片基于美国畅销小说家珍妮特·欧克(Janette Oke)的作品改编,2009年9月5日在Hallmark频道播出。Belinda再一次面对生命的抉择,这次抉择并不比先前的轻松。一个非常出乎意料的责任使得她的抉择更加困难。本片是Hallmark频道Love Comes Softly系列TV Movie的最后一部,先前的几部包括Love Comes Softly (2003), Love's En...
A group of former military elites set out to explore an uncharted abyss, not knowing their worst nightmare is waiting for them deep beneath the ground....