故事发生在英国,丹尼(维尼·琼斯 Vinnie Jones 饰)是一名风头正劲的球星,成功的事业、丰厚的收入、漂亮的女友,丹尼所拥有的一切令他成为了众人羡慕的对象。然而,在一场意外中,丹尼因为醉酒闹事而被投入了监狱,这不仅意味着他将错过一场对于自己来说十分重要的比赛,更意味着,他将失去生活中曾经拥有的一切。 监狱里有一支由狱警们所组成的足球队,一天,典狱长(戴维·海明斯 David Hemmin...
A former Britpop rocker who now works on an organic farm gets caught driving drunk and faces deportation after living in Los Angeles for 20 years. In his efforts to stay in the U.S., he must confront ...
The definitive biography of the group's fall from grace after they made it to SHEA Stadium USA and were on their way being a smashing success in the world...
Fortune reflects on her own good fortune, including some big life events she's experienced the last couple years like falling in love with her wife and the extravagant proposal she planned that di...