布斯(麦察蓉普拉 Mai Charoenpura 饰)经营着一家米粉摊,丈夫和年轻漂亮的打工女私奔了,留给布斯的除了年幼病重的女儿布尔外还有一大笔债务。布斯没有钱带女儿去看病,只能够买一些最基本的药物来维持女儿的生命,可即便如此,也花光了她几乎全部的积蓄。糟糕的财政状况之下布斯再也无法购买肉类来维系米粉摊的经营了。
Over twenty years ago rival nations put aside political and cultural differences and came together in a demonstration of international co-operation to create something unique – The International Space...
Written by Daragh Carville (Being Human), the third season introduces us to Lisa Armstrong’s replacement, DS Jenn Townsend, who struggles to balance her family’s house move alongside the pressures of ...