The story focuses on the titular protagonist Tina who learns from Megi to live a self-determined life in patriarchal society after getting dumped by her boyfriend. The film was shot during the COVID-1...
Old school friends go on a paintball trip, miles away from civilization. Things go horribly wrong when they discover a cold-blooded masked killer is among them. Now they must fight to survive...
In a modern America where witches are real and witchcraft is illegal, a sheltered teenager must face her own demons and prejudices as she helps two young witches avoid law enforcement and cross the so...
一场火车对撞的惨剧夺去131名乘客的性命,大卫•杜恩(Bruce Willis 布鲁斯•威利斯 饰)奇迹般地成为这场灾难过后的唯一幸存者,且浑身上下毫发无伤。在他参加遇难者追悼会之后,他在车窗上发现一张神秘便条,写道:“你这一生生过几次病?” 不久,一个名叫伊利亚•普莱斯(Samuel L. Jackson 塞缪尔•杰克逊 饰)的黑人出现在大卫面前。和大卫不同的是,伊利亚天生手脚残废,脆弱不堪。...