Twelve ordinary people are called for jury duty for a murder case as traumatizing as it is controversial in which a woman stands trial for killing her own blood....
Mark A. Altman负责的CW夏季科幻剧《潘多拉 Pandora》背景设置在2199年,主角是别称「Pandora」的Jax(Priscilla Quintana饰),丧失双亲后她在地球的太空训练学院找到新生活,现在足智多谋的Jax与朋友们一同学习如何阻止银河系里的人类或外星人威胁。不过当女主的真实身份被揭露时,她得面对自己可能是「人类救世主」或「毁灭人类的存在」。
From illegal gambling to match-fixing, discover the seedy underworld behind the once-revered sport of Muay Thai in this drama inspired by real events....