A documentary series that explores the furthest reaches of the internet and the people who frequent it, Dark Net provides a revealing and cautionary look inside a vast cyber netherworld rarely witness...
'M'entends-tu?' is a dramatic comedy that plunges us into the unusual daily life of Ada, Fabiola and Carolanne, three long-time friends from the midst of poverty....
Kyle(马特·达拉斯 Matt Dallas 饰)一直在探寻自己身世之谜,终于他遇到了Adam,知道了自己的来历和潜力。他回到Trager家,并在Tom严格的训练下学会能力范围内的所有本领。每个人的情况都不太好,Nicole(玛格丽特·马科林苔 Marguerite MacIntyre 饰)变得很沮丧并辞掉了工作;Stephen(布鲁斯·托马斯 Bruce Thomas 饰)不得不接替她;Lor...