波兰华沙有一个剧团,其中有一名演员Bronski极其擅长模仿德国纳粹领袖希特勒。Maria Tura和Joseph Tura是剧团里的一对夫妻,剧团最近正在上演《哈姆雷特》。演出间隙,Maria收到了一束鲜花,来自一个年轻的飞行员Stanislav Sobinski,趁着Joseph在舞台上念著名台词“to be or not to be”的时候,她安排Sobinski进了后台,两人情愫暗生。然而...
Maca (María Valverde), 30 years old and clumsy by nature, makes the most of life and strives to be happy. Maca's talent is wasted working as an assistant for an oppressive and terrifying fashion i...
法国青年瑞斯(乔纳森?莱斯?梅耶斯 Jonathan Rhys Meyers 饰)在大使馆中工作,同时他还是美国情报部门的见习人员,精明强干的瑞斯对“换车牌”,加窃听器之类的任务自然是驾轻就熟,但是他很快迎来了真正的挑战——配合探员瓦克斯(约翰?特拉沃塔 John Travolta 饰)在巴黎的行动。
In the Alpine village of Tolzbad in the 1800s, the townsfolk talk quietly and restrain their movements lest they incur avalanches. This atmosphere lends itself to repressed emotions - shown through th...