根据真人真事改编的《密谍伙伴》描述五个加拿大、美国和英国年轻人在二战期间前往安大略湖一个绝密训练基地接受间谍技能训练(包括破坏、暗杀、爆破、勒索、摩斯密码、地图学和招募年轻人投身抵抗运动的口才),他们随后被派到德军占领地区执行重要任务。联邦调查局和战略情报局(Office of Strategic Services)负责训练和监管这个团队。
Alfred Graves是一个患有联觉症(syn...
Arden is devastated by the death of her true love, Mia, and tormented by the powers of dark magic with which she has been cursed. She leaves her home world to travel to Earth, in pursuit of the evil s...
当第二季开始时,时间只过了10天;观众会看到Sutton和她生母Rebecca(Charisma Carpenter)初次见面的情形,以及她们对别人隐瞒真相的理由。Charisma Carpenter在访谈中的原话是“It’s for Emma’s protection…. The less people who know, the better”。
2×01 The...
Survival hangs in the balance for a group of teenage girls stranded on a deserted island, after the explosive discovery that what's happening to them is an elaborate social experiment. Season 2 up...
Hulu的恐怖诗选剧《怪兽乐园 Monsterland》改编自Nathan Ballingrud短篇集《North American Lake Monsters: Stories》,剧集角色包括一些奇幻生物,例如堕落天使﹑狼人等,他们为求扭转自己的生活而绝望地采取一些行为,从而表达出人类与「他们」的差异其实并不大。...