Elise Wasserman and Karl Roebuck investigate when a couple are abducted from the Channel Tunnel in front of their young daughter. Events take a dramatic turn when a plane crashes into the Channel....
SundanceTV续订诗选类短剧《#婚情咨文# State Of The Union》第二季。本月开拍,今年稍晚播出。第一季拿下了三座艾美奖。
Nick Hornby继续负责剧本,Stephen Frears回归担任导演。Brendan Gleeson、Patricia Clarkson和Esco Jouléy主演。
制片公司See-Saw Films携手编剧尼克·霍恩比打造系列短剧《婚姻危机》(State Of The Union,暂译),导演罗杰·米歇尔([诺丁山])。霍恩比曾凭[成长教育]、[布鲁克林]两获奥斯卡最佳改编剧本提名。该剧每集10分钟,故事聚焦一对每周要进行婚姻咨询的中年夫妇。新剧将于今秋伦敦开拍,卡司尚未确定。...
genera+ion follows a group of high school students whose exploration of modern sexuality (devices and all) tests deeply entrenched beliefs about life, love and the nature of family in their conservati...