Cut off from home and facing an impossible mission against mounting odds, "Deep Six" is a hyper-realistic live-action portrayal of a deep space forward operating base at a pivotal moment for...
Lukas, a young farmer whose family is killed by savage raiders in the countryside, sets out on an epic quest for revenge, forming an unlikely trio with a majestic dragon and a swashbucklin...
弗兰克(尼古拉斯·凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)是一名大型动物禁猎区的管理员,这一次,他参与了一项非常危险的任务,那就是护送一艘载满了珍奇而又危险的大型动物的船只,从亚马逊驶往希腊。船上除了野生动物外,还有更危险的生物存在,那就是老道而又狡猾的杀手劳夫乐(凯文·杜兰 Kevin Durand 饰)。 果不其然,在行程中,劳夫乐甩掉了负责看管他的警察,放出了关在牢笼里的凶猛而又致命的猛兽,一...