On the 100th anniversary of the original voyage, a modern luxury liner christened "Titanic 2," follows the path of its namesake. But when a tsunami hurls an ice berg into the new ship's ...
在该片中,一连串与神秘的玛雅预言及圣诞颂歌《The 12 Days of Christmas》存在某种联系的灾难将一座小镇拖向毁灭的边缘,并且这种现象正快速传遍全世界。一个父亲(Ed
Quinn,《小镇疑云》)发现自己的女儿(Magda Aponowicz,《天赐》、《卡布里卡》)是「天选之人」——只有她能够阻止更大灾难的...
奎萨(居伊·格罗索 Guy Grosso 饰)将自己的一生都献给了警察这份他深深热爱的职业,然而,再能干的警察也要面临退休的这一天。退休在家后的每一天对于奎萨来说都无异于是一场折磨,他深居简出脾气爆炸,情绪濒临抑郁的边缘。
就在这个节骨眼上,奎萨的老朋友热贝尔(路易·德·菲耐斯 Louis de Funès 饰)和托利威尔(米歇尔·莫多 Michel Modo 饰)出现在了奎萨的面前,他们带...
Three X drag Queens put all their savings into buying an apartment block as an investment. But the business venture turns into a disaster when a dead body is found is in the building. The haunting fro...
It seems simple: an egg + sperm = one embryo. But if your sperm is "few, vague and abnormal" and your woman is premenopausal at age 37, things start to get complicated....