Follows the story of Kinn with his two friends travelling to Northern Thailand for a vacation. Howev...
Directed by: Saro Varjabedian
Synopsis: Jimmy Baz, a down-and-out private-eye is reluctantly hired by the parents of a missing college aged boy to find their son. As Jimmy searches for the missing ...
聚焦活跃在1970年代的美国连环杀手、强奸犯——“金州杀手”。他犯下至少50起入室强奸、13起谋杀,一直隐藏在黑暗中。2018年,前警察Joseph James DeAngelo被起诉,疑为这名杀手。剧名来自金州杀手威胁一名受害者的话:“你将永远开不了口,而我将消失在黑暗中。”
本剧改编自作家Michelle McNamara对金州杀手的同名纪实调查书。...