Darika (Namtarn) is the granddaughter of a funeral director. She is a strong hearted and independent young woman who seeks money as her main refuge. Fate just so happens to have her stumbling head ove...
Lim BunHou or Songward(JMA饰演)仅仅因为是华人而被陆军中尉学校开除,即使他快要毕业了。尽管面临开除,但他却从未放弃掌握自己的人生。他从未想过继承家族产业茶馆,他认为那是贪得无厌的。他在YaowaratchYaowaratch时就想过离开这个地方。他决定去贩卖大米并且得要了他的哥哥colonel Punyuth or Aye 的支持。(非亲兄弟,因利益而被家族收养的哥哥)。...
Five undergrad witches come together in order to perform a ritual to invoke the ancient powers of the witch Ashura. The leader of the coven gets carried away and accidentally kills one of the witches ...