1998年,《星球大战》系列即将归来,星战迷们为这消息所深深震撼。巴特勒(萨姆?亨廷顿 Sam Huntington 饰)曾有三个同为星战迷的好友,如今他为父亲的汽车销售行整日忙碌,与哈切(丹?福勒 Dan Fogler 饰)、利诺斯(克里斯?马奎特 Chris Marquette 饰)、温多斯(杰伊?巴鲁切尔 Jay Baruchel 饰)不再有往日的紧密友谊。某日,利诺斯被查出罹患癌症,只剩下...
Three companions are frightened by a horrible ghost that haunts their dorm. Tired of running away, they summon a spirit to help them defeat the ghost. But things turn chaos when they can't control...
In this new series, the director Chloe? Robichaud, whose first film Sarah pre?fe?re la course had a remarkable international career after its official opening at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival, ...
年轻干练的伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特(朱莉娅·罗伯茨 Julia Roberts 饰)是《纽约时报》的一名人气作家,她经常周游世界,撰写相关的旅游文章。她的生活同样令人欣羡,丈夫史蒂芬(比利·克鲁德普 Billy Crudup 饰)帅气潇洒、气质不凡;饮食无忧、优哉安 乐。然而伊丽莎白却渐渐感到空虚和恐慌,似乎着周遭的一切都不是她真正追求的。伊丽莎白决定走出变质的婚姻,寻找自我。在漫长的离婚拉锯战后,她踏...