The film describes the events leading up to, and including, the massacre of the adults of a small town in Nebraska by their children, after the adults' irresponsibility ruins the crop and the chil...
Constantly on the hunt and suffering from hallucinations that drive his violent nature, an unnamed man is capturing women and savagely beating them to death. Meanwhile, a woman is luring men into a vi...
13-year-old Nate Foster is an unpopular Midwestern kid who entertains vivid fantasies of becoming a big Broadway musical star. In the meantime, however, Nate can't even get a decent role in his mi...
A single mother who becomes the first victim of kidnapper Ariel Castro finds herself trapped in his home for 11 years, where she eventually becomes a friend and sister to two other women who are taken...
伯纳黛特(凯特·布兰切特 Cate Blanchett 饰)和丈夫埃尔金(比利·克鲁德普 Billy Crudup 饰)结婚多年,两人共同抚养可爱的小女儿阿比(艾玛·尼尔森 Emma Nelson 饰),一家三口是别人眼里的模范家庭。这么多年来,伯纳黛特全身心的投入到了家庭的建设中去,无条件的牺牲自己,支持着丈夫的每一个选择。 最近,伯纳黛特被严重的失眠和强烈的焦虑困扰,越来越不愿意出门接触外人...