Inspired by a shocking story from the Windrush Scandal. After 50 years in the UK, Anthony McKay-Williams is wrongfully detained by the Home Office and threatened with deportation. Patrick Robinson a...
Ten years after a tidal wave destroys a small-town elementary school with all the children inside, a young man builds a mysterious structure out of the school's remains, setting the town aflame with p...
聪明漂亮的公司女秘书玛尔妮·埃德加(蒂比·海德莉 Tippi Hedren饰)实际上是一名品行不端的女窃贼,嗜偷如命。几个月后,她偷走了公司保险柜里的将近一万美元的现金,恰好公司的大主顾马克·鲁德兰(肖恩·康纳利 Sean Connery饰)也在场。他对这位冷艳神秘的女人有着浓厚的兴趣。更有缘分的是,马克就是玛尔妮的新任老板。玛尔妮对红色的东西始终有着一种神经性的恐惧,这更让马克觉得这个怪异的女孩...