Survival hangs in the balance for a group of teenage girls stranded on a deserted island, after the explosive discovery that what's happening to them is an elaborate social experiment. Season 2 up...
Together with a group of friends, Hanne Mette viditint the abandoned ski, Svartsj?n as Hannes boyfriend, Johan, are planning to buy and reopen. The site, which lies far in the Swedish wilderness, has ...
本片始于英国男人马尔科姆(里斯·谢尔史密斯 Reece Shearsmith 饰)与其妻子克莱尔(谢里丹·史密斯 Sheridan Smith 饰)的婚礼,这对新人幸福的生活很快因马尔科姆的财政问题而产生裂痕。马尔科姆开始向克莱尔的食物和饮用水中投毒,他精心布局谋杀了妻子,从而骗取大笔保险金。数年后,马尔科姆娶了第二任妻子费莉希蒂(凯特·弗利特伍德 Kate Fleetwood 饰),因为财产问题...
Jodie(Jill Halfpenny)八年前失去了自己的儿子,此后一直努力重建自己的生活。当她看到一个十多岁的男孩Daniel时,她笃定自己找到了失踪的儿子。无论Jodie是对是错,在那一瞬间,她的希望之火被点燃,由此走上了一条危险而越轨的道路,这条路将把她带向理智的边缘。为了寻找失踪的孩子,她会做到什么程度?
Jonas Armstrong饰演Jason,Jodie唯一的弟弟,她生活中...