The film, Silent Heroes, is based on the story of 13 real deaf children who through mountaineering want to prove that they are different but not disabled. The Leader who never considered the deaf chil...
Ragna is a fiercely courageous cop who infiltrates a nationalistic subculture following a killing in Norway. Ragna's journey pulls her into a spiral of hatred while a terrorist plot targeting the ...
Ana?s a trente ans et pas assez d’argent. Elle a un amoureux qu’elle n’est plus s?re d’aimer. Elle rencontre Daniel, à qui tout de suite elle pla?t. Mais Daniel vit avec Emilie… qui ...
Agents of Chaos, a two-part documentary from director Alex Gibney (HBO’s The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley and Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief) examines Russia’s interfer...