Inspired by HBO's acclaimed drama "True Detective," Investigation Discovery brings to life actual homicide cases through the words of the law enforcement officers who are still haunted b...
The Boy In The Dress is the story of Dennis, a 12 year-old boy who lives in an ordinary house, in an ordinary street, in an ordinary town, but he feels different. His mum has gone off with a roofer an...
Nanthisa, the dashing girl of the company, she is the head of personal department and is the person whose should see other to follow the company's rules but she was the one who always break it. Sh...
After discovering a disturbing video from a night she doesn't remember, sixteen-year-old Mandy must try to figure out what happened and how to navigate the escalating fallout....
Marta may be an orphan, and she may be affected by a lethal illness, yet she is the most positive person one can meet. She wants a boy to fall for her. Not any boy - the most handsome of them all. One...