纯朴善良的青年阿锦(托尼·贾 Tony Jaa 饰)自幼生长在泰国一个原始丛林中,村民们日出而作,日落而息,过着平和安静的生活。他们以大象作为交通工具和助手,人与动物间建立了深厚的友情。阿锦的父亲曾是一名皇家护卫,他在闲暇之余教儿子学习泰拳,好有朝一日进宫保卫国王。
Judith leads a double life two lovers, two sons in France and one daughter in Switzerland. Entangled in secrets and lies, her lives begin to shatter....
In a Southern province in Thailand, a young boy lives with his uncle and a monkey called Kapi. When the uncle dies, the boy is threatened by a real estate tycoon who wants to buy their land and turn i...
卡洛琳(艾伦·巴金 Ellen Barkin 饰)是一位不幸的单身母亲,她带着儿子托比(莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 Leonardo DiCaprio 饰)离开了有暴力倾向的男友,辗转于不同的城市,只为能够赚钱养家糊口。在西雅图,卡洛琳认识了卡车司机德怀特(罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰),在德怀特的身上,她找到了久违的爱情的感觉。 很快,卡洛琳就和德怀特结了婚,并搬到了名叫康克福特...
Rural love story continues in Yaem Yasothorn 2, the sequel to the hit comedy Yaem Yasothon directed by popular comedian turned director Mum Jokmok. The story continues after the marriage of Yaem and J...