A group of tired commuters have caught the last train home, ready to hop into their beds for the night. However, their train soon veers off-course and crashes into an abandoned tunnel. The three survi...
The Unheard follows 20-year-old Chloe Grayden (Lachlan Watson), who after undergoing an experimental procedure to restore her damaged hearing, begins to suffer from auditory hallucinations seemingly r...
A busy working mother hires a nurse to care for her wealthy father who has early onset dementia. Soon a bizarre deception creeps into play when the seductive nurse makes a play for the family fortune....
Scare Package II: Rad Chad’s Revenge immediately follows the events of the original with the survivors attending the funeral of “Rad Chad” Buckley, which quickly devolves into an elaborate series of d...
In July 2016, Islamic terrorists stormed a popular café in upscale Dhaka and held its patrons hostage, killing more than 20 people and sending shockwaves across the subcontinent. Faraaz is the younges...