曾参加过美国内战的退伍老兵埃森·爱德华兹(约翰·韦恩 John Wayne 饰)战争结束后返回家乡德克萨斯州,来到哥哥的农场希望与亲人重聚团圆。埃森一直暗恋着自己的嫂子,只把这份感情放在心底。然而一场科曼奇族的突袭,让埃森的心愿彻底粉碎。在这次印地安人的袭击中,埃森的哥嫂双双被杀,侄女黛比(娜塔利·伍德 Natalie Wood 饰)被掠,生死未卜。
Conor and Jock set off on a chaotic adventure to give Mairead, who has been ill in hospital, the white Christmas m.ysgou.cc she has always dreamed of....
《Mouse: The Predator》(窥探:捕食者)将从捕食者郑在勋/郑正直(音:郑巴凛)的视角,以顺向时间轴回顾武镇连环杀人事件的始末。
Former police detective Adrian Monk (Tony Shalhoub), whose photographic memory and amazing ability to piece together tiny clues made him a local legend, has suffered from intensified obsessive-compuls...
Monk has stiff competition solving the case of a murdered jewelry store owner from a second-rate PI with a loser reputation who suddenly displays skills even more amazing than Monk's....
第一季《优步之战》改编自Mike Isaac的纪实文学《热血野心/恣意橫行(台) Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber》,由《亿万》的两位主创Brian Koppelman及 David Levien负责。
《优步之战》讲述硅谷最成功也最具破坏性的公司Uber,主角是Travis ...