While traveling out to the desert for a shoot, Monte Ashcroft a world class editorial photographer meets his new muse in Dakota Thompson, a local server at a desolate diner. Their connection is instan...
The tragic and controversial story of Cameron Todd Willingham, who was executed in Texas for killing his three children after scientific evidence and expert testimony that bolstered his claims of inno...
60年代末的美国,伴随着战争的残酷与遥远以至似乎不可相信的登月壮举,年轻人们寻找着自身与世界的呼应。在纽约州白湖临近的小镇上,犹太青年艾略特(Demetri Martin 饰)为了照顾吝啬的母亲,放弃纽约的设计师工作回家帮忙打理汽车旅馆的生意,为了改善举步维艰的经营,艾略特借自己当地商会会长的便利,筹备举办例行的音乐节活动。与此同时,第一次伍德斯托克音乐节由于原定举办地当地政府的反对宣告停滞,艾略...
CBS宣布预订《傲骨贤妻 The Good Wife》的主创Robert及Michelle King负责的超自然题材试映集《邪恶 Evil》,剧中会描述科学及宗教之间的斗争。《邪恶》讲述抱怀疑论的女临床心理学家Kristen Benoist(Katja Herbers饰 演),她与一名受训中的牧师及一名蓝领承包商组成团体,他们会共同调查一些奇迹﹑附魔或其他超自然事件究竟能否用科学解释,还是真正的超...
第一季《优步之战》改编自Mike Isaac的纪实文学《热血野心/恣意橫行(台) Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber》,由《亿万》的两位主创Brian Koppelman及 David Levien负责。
《优步之战》讲述硅谷最成功也最具破坏性的公司Uber,主角是Travis ...
A psychological thriller with aspects of the horror genre, focusing on the lives of the remaining Serbs in Kosovo nowadays and the real life stories that lie beneath the media coverage....