Jim Gordon and Bruce Wayne face the chaos Gotham City has become, as villains who survived the attack on the city begin to resurface and claim various territories; Selina Kyle grapples with how to dea...
来自《诉讼双雄》(Suits)的Patrick J. Adams将主演国家地理频道的新剧《太空先锋》(The Right Stuff),饰演第一个进入地球轨道的美国宇航员约翰·格伦。1983年曾出过同名电影版,描绘了美国太空计划的诞生过程以及第一批航天员诞生的历史故事。
该剧是由小李子的制片公司亚壁古道公司(Appian Way)出品的,李奥纳多·迪卡普里奥本人也将担任总制片人之一,预计20...
This British espionage thriller centers on a team of MI-5 counter-terrorist spies collectively known as 'Spooks' because of the shadowy nature of their existence. Technically speaking, Spooks ...