Ellie, a recovering drug addict, has just moved to a new city with her two teenage children. She has struggled to stay sober in the past and is determined to make it work this time, finding a stable j...
Feature length adaptation of the cult British zom-com web series following the adventures of three inept survivors of a zombie apocalypse through a video blog they maintain to ease the boredom of day ...
When the remains of two murdered Princes are discovered at the Tower of London, a troubled Priest must put his beliefs aside to befriend a mysterious prisoner, who has supernatural powers to communica...
In a small rural community local police officers Zoe and Patrick begin their shift as normal but it soon becomes clear that something is wrong. Strange events unfold before their eyes, residents begin...
莎拉(瑞贝卡·德·莫妮 Rebecca De Mornay 饰)是一名研究犯罪学的心理学家,工作中,她见识过各种各样冷酷残暴的变态凶手,无数个鲜血淋漓诡异可怖的犯罪现场,没有任何罪犯留下的蛛丝马迹能够逃脱她的眼睛,没有任何威胁和危险能够让她屈服。 一次偶然中,莎拉邂逅了名为托尼(安东尼奥·班德拉斯 Antonio Banderas 饰)的男子。风度翩翩温文尔雅的托尼很快就吸引了莎拉的注意,没过多...