Inspired by Michael Powell’s critically acclaimed nonfiction sports novel Canyon Dreams, as well as the groundbreaking New York Times articles that preceded it, Rez Ball explores the raw and exhilarat...
飞狼虚构的角色霍克(史特林费洛8231霍克Stringfellow Hawke),身分是飞狼原始试飞员之一,受雇于“某公司”(The Firm,实际上是负责制造飞狼的中情局分处),任务是将飞狼从它的原始设计者,莫飞(查尔斯8231亨利8231莫菲特)博士(Dr Charles Henry Moffett),手中偷回来。因为博士打算把飞狼卖给利比亚。然而成功夺回飞狼的霍克(史特林),却不打算把飞机还...
Classic British comedy adapted from a James Thurber story about a tweed manufacturer's elderly accountant who devises a plan to save the company from an American takeover bid. The arrival of an effici...